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GDS Contract ABI

This document provides detailed information about the ABI of the Bet smart contract. The contract facilitates goal-driven staking, offering two types of goals: Solo and Gambling. Users can create goals, stake tokens, confirm task completions, claim rewards, and settle goals.

Read Functions

1. getAllGoals()

  • Description: Returns information about all goals.
  • Returns: GoalInfo[] - An array of goal information objects.
function getAllGoals() public view returns (GoalInfo[] memory)

2. getUserGoals(address _user)

  • Description: Returns the IDs of goals that a user is participating in.
  • Parameters:
    • _user (address): The address of the user.
  • Returns: uint[] - An array of goal IDs.
function getUserGoals(address _user) public view returns (uint[] memory)

3. getGoalDetails(uint _goalId)

  • Description: Returns detailed information about a specific goal.
  • Parameters:
    • _goalId (uint): The ID of the goal.
  • Returns: GoalInfo - An object containing the goal's details.
function getGoalDetails(uint _goalId) public view returns (GoalInfo memory)

Write Functions

1. createGoalSolo(string memory _name, string memory _description, uint _requiredStake, uint _taskCount)

  • Description: Creates a new solo goal.
  • Parameters:
    • _name (string): The name of the goal.
    • _description (string): A description of the goal.
    • _requiredStake (uint): The required stake amount.
    • _taskCount (uint): The number of tasks in the goal.
function createGoalSolo(string memory _name, string memory _description, uint _requiredStake, uint _taskCount) public

2. createGoal(string memory _name, string memory _description, uint _requiredStake, uint _taskCount)

  • Description: Creates a new gambling goal.
  • Parameters:
    • _name (string): The name of the goal.
    • _description (string): A description of the goal.
    • _requiredStake (uint): The required stake amount.
    • _taskCount (uint): The number of tasks in the goal.
function createGoal(string memory _name, string memory _description, uint _requiredStake, uint _taskCount) public

3. stakeAndUnlockGoal(uint _goalId)

  • Description: Stakes tokens and unlocks a goal for participation.
  • Parameters:
    • _goalId (uint): The ID of the goal.
function stakeAndUnlockGoal(uint _goalId) public payable

4. confirmTaskCompletion(uint _goalId, address _user)

  • Description: Confirms the completion of a task for a user in a specific goal.
  • Parameters:
    • _goalId (uint): The ID of the goal.
    • _user (address): The address of the user.
function confirmTaskCompletion(uint _goalId, address _user) public

5. claimStake(uint _goalId)

  • Description: Claims the reward for a specific goal.
  • Parameters:
    • _goalId (uint): The ID of the goal.
function claimStake(uint _goalId) public

6. settleGoal(uint _goalId)

  • Description: Settles a gambling goal by distributing rewards based on task completion.
  • Parameters:
    • _goalId (uint): The ID of the goal.
function settleGoal(uint _goalId) public


1. GoalCreated

  • Parameters:
    • id (uint): The ID of the goal.
    • name (string): The name of the goal.
    • description (string): A description of the goal.
    • requiredStake (uint): The required stake amount.
    • taskCount (uint): The number of tasks in the goal.
    • goalType (GoalType): The type of the goal (Solo or Gambling).
    • creator (address): The address of the goal creator.

2. GoalUnlocked

  • Parameters:
    • id (uint): The ID of the goal.
    • user (address): The address of the user.
    • stakeAmount (uint): The amount staked by the user.

3. TaskConfirmed

  • Parameters:
    • id (uint): The ID of the goal.
    • user (address): The address of the user.
    • taskIndex (uint): The index of the confirmed task.

4. StakeClaimed

  • Parameters:
    • id (uint): The ID of the goal.
    • user (address): The address of the user.
    • stakeAmount (uint): The amount of the reward claimed by the user.

5. GoalSettled

  • Parameters:
    • id (uint): The ID of the goal.